BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

BSc in Chemical Engineering

Length of study: 7 semesters

Program objectives

The BSc degree course in chemical engineering provides the appropriate skills and knowledge in chemistry, chemical engineering and economic sciences. The degree holder should be able to manage chemical technologies, conduct analytical tests, intermediate and final quality control, and can take part in R&D, planning, and public administration. Part of the education is specialisation in a branch.

Curriculum of Chemical Engineering BSc - General subjects

Subject programs can be viewed by clicking on the code of the subject.  Web pages are linked in the column "Web" if a dedicated page is available for the subject. Lect/P/Lab abbreviates lectures/practical lectures/laboratory. Curricula of specialization branches can be viewed here.

Subject name Code Web Semester Credits Lect/P/Lab Requisities/notes
Hungarian Language and Culture for SH Students 1. BMEGT60Z9H1 1 2 0/4/0p compulsory for SH students in the 1st semester
English for Chemical Studies 1 BMEGT60Z941 1 3 0/4/0p  
Computing BMEVESAA103 1 2 0/2/0p  
General Chemistry BMEVESAA101 1 5 4/0/0e  
General Chemistry Calculations for Chemical Engineers BMEVESAA104 1 4 0/3/0p  
Industrial Safety BMEVESZA101 1 2 2/0/0p  
Mathematics A1a - Calculus BMETE90AX00 1 6 4/2/0e  
Micro- and Macroeconomics BMEGT30A001 1 4 4/0/0e  
Physics 1 - Mechanics BMETE14AX15 2 4 2/2/0e BMETE90AX00 Mathematics A1a - Calculus
Chemical Technology BMEVEKFA203 2 3 2/0/0p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry
English for Chemical Studies 2 BMEGT60Z942 2 3 0/4/0p  
Hungarian Language and Culture for SH Students 2. BMEGT60Z9H2 2 2 0/4/0p compulsory for SH students in the 2nd semester
General Chemistry Laboratory Practice BMEVESAA209 2 5 0/0/6p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry and 
BMEVESAA104 General Chemistry Calculations for Chemical Engineers and 
BMEVESZA101 Industrial Safety
Inorganic Chemistry BMEVESAA208 2 3 3/0/0p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry and 
BMEVESAA104 General Chemistry Calculations for Chemical Engineers
Mathematics A2c BMETE90AX17 2 6 4/2/0e BMETE90AX00 Mathematics A1a - Calculus
Physical Chemistry I BMEVEFKA304 2 5 3/1/0e BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry and
BMETE90AX00 Mathematics A1a - Calculus
Physics 1 Electrodynamics BMETE14AX04 3 2 2/0/0e BMETE14AX15 Physics 1 - Mechanics and
BMETE90AX17 Mathematics A2c
Physics Laboratory BMETE14AX05 4 2 0/0/3p BMETE14AX15 Physics 1 - Mechanics
Analytical Chemistry I. BMEVESAA302 3 5 4/0/0p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry and
BMEVESAA104 General Chemistry Calculations for Chemical Engineers
Chemical Eng. Fundamentals BMEGEVGAV03 3 2 2/0/0e  
Chemical Engineering Practice BMEGEVGAV04 3 3 0/1/2p  
English for Chemical Studies 3 BMEGT60Z943 3 3 0/4/0p  
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Practice BMEVESAA301 3 3 0/0/4p BMEVESAA209 General Chemistry Laboratory Practice and
BMEVESAA208 Inorganic chemistry
Mathematics A3 for Chemical Engineers and Bioengineers BMETE90AX18 3 4 2/2/0e  
Organic Chemistry I. BMEVESZA301 3 5 3/2/0e BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry
Physical Chemistry II BMEVEFAA405 3 4 2/1/0e BMEVEFKA304 Physical Chemistry I
Plastics BMEVEFAA306 3 5 2/0/2p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Practice BMEVESAA403 4 4 1/0/4p BMEVESAA209 General Chemistry Laboratory Practice and
BMEVESAA302/en Analytical Chemistry I.
Chemical Unit Operations I BMEVEKFA410 4 6 3/2/0p BMEGEVGAV03 Chemical Eng. Fundamentals and
BMETE90AX17 Mathematics A2c
Colloid chemical approach to nanotechnology BMEVEFAA409 4 3 3/0/0p BMEVEFKA304 Physical Chemistry I
English for Chemical Studies 4 BMEGT60Z944 4 3 0/4/0p  
Medicines BMEVESZA403 4 3 2/0/0e  
Organic Chemical Technology BMEVESTA411 4 3 2/0/0e BMEVESZA301 Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemical Technology Laboratory Practice BMEVESZA412 4 3 0/0/4p BMEVESZA301 Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II. BMEVESZA401 4 4 3/0/0e BMEVESZA301 Organic Chemistry I
Organic Synthesis Laboratory Practice BMEVESZA402 4 4 0/0/5p BMEVESAA104 General Chemistry Calculations for Chemical Engineers and
BMEVESAA209 General Chemistry Laboratory Practice and 
BMEVESZA301 Organic Chemistry I
Biochemistry BMEVEBEA301 5 4 3/0/0e BMEVESZA401 Organic Chemistry II
Business Law BMEGT55A001 5 2 2/0/0p  
Chemical Unit Operations II BMEVEKFA512 5 6 2/1/4e BMEVEKFA410 Chemical Unit Operations
Design of Experiments BMEVEVMA606 5 3 2/1/0p BMETE90AX18 Mathematics A3 for Chemical Engineers and Bioengineers
Hydrocarbon technology BMEVEKFA506 5 3 2/0/1e BMEVEKFA203 Chemical Technology and
BMEVEFKA304 Physical Chemistry I and
BMEVESZA301 Organic Chemistry I
Physical Chemistry Lab. Prac. BMEVEFAA506 5 3 0/0/4p BMEVEFAA405 Physical Chemistry II and
BMETE14AX05 Physics Laboratory
Chemical Process Control BMEVEVMA504 6 5 2/1/1p BMEVEKFA410 Chemical Unit Operations
Chemical Unit Op. Practice BMEVEKFA613 6 3 0/0/4p BMEVEKFA512 Chemical Unit Operations II
Environmental Chemistry and Technology BMEVEKFA403 6 4 3/0/0e BMEVESAA208 Inorganic Chemistry and
BMEVESZA401 Organic Chemistry II and
BMEVEKFA203 Chemical Technology
Management and Business Economincs BMEGT20A001 6 4 4/0/0p  
Quality Management BMEVEKFA615 7 4 3/0/0p  
Thesis BMEVExxA999 7 15 0/0/14p  xx depends on the department
Electives     10    
Electives (humanities) 2 subjects   4    
Specialization     26    
Summer Practice BMEVExxA888   0   6 weeks/s, xx depends on the department
BSc total:     210    

The English courses can be counted as elective (humanities) or elective subjects.

The Hungarian courses are mandatory only for the students supported by the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship.

Curricula of specialisation branches:

Subject programs can be viewed by clicking on the code of the subject. Web pages are linked in the column "Web" if a dedicated page is available for the subject. Lect/P/Lab abbreviates lectures/practical lectures/laboratory. Curriculum of general subjects can be viewed here.

Subject name Code Web Semester Credits Lect/P/Lab Requisities
Analytical and Structural Chemistry Specialization
Chemical and Biosensors BMEVEAAA708 7 3 2/0/0e BMEVESAA403
Chromatography BMEVEAAA611 6 3 2/0/0e BMEVESAA403
Organic Structure Analysis BMEVESAA512 5 3 3/0/0p BMEVESZA401
Analytical and Structure Determination Laboratory BMEVESAA604 6 5 1/0/4p BMEVESAA512, BMEVESAA403
Organic Chemistry III BMEVESKA504 5 2 2/0/0e BMEVESZA401
Elemental Analysis BMEVESAA701 7 3 2/0/0p BMEVESAA403
Project Work BMEVESAA777 7 3 0/1/0p  
Theory of Testing Methods in Material Sciences BMEVEFAA708 7 4 3/0/0p BMEVESAA208
Chemical and Process Engineering Specialization
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Energetics BMEVEKFA502 5 3 2/0/1p BMEVESAA101 General Chemistry
Environmental Benign Chemical Process BMEVEVMA607 6 4 3/0/0e  
Hydrocarbon technology and catalysis BMEVEKFA503 6 5 2/0/3p BMEVEKFA506 Hydrocarbon technology
Process Engineering BMEVEVMA605 6 5 3/0/2e BMEVEKFA512 Chemical Unit Operations II
Chemical Production Control BMEVEKTA707 7 3 2/0/1p BMEVEKFA203 Chemical Technology and 
BMEVEKFA512 Chemical Unit Operations II
Computer Process Control BMEVEVMA709 7 4 2/0/1p BMEVEVMA504 Chemical Process Control
Project work BMEVEKFA777 7 3 0/1/0p  
Industral Pharmaceutics Specialization  
Organic Chemistry Laboratory Practice II BMEVESKA605 5 5 0/0/6p BMEVESZA401, BMEVESZA402
Organic Structure Analysis BMEVESAA512 5 3 3/0/0p BMEVESZA401
Unit Processes of Organic Chemistry BMEVESTA508 5 2 2/0/0e BMEVESTA411
Organic Chemistry III BMEVESKA504 6 2 2/0/0e BMEVESZA401
Technology of Pharmaceutical Materials BMEVESTA607 6 3 2/0/1e BMEVESZA301
Unit processes in Industrial Drug Synthesis BMEVESTA606 6 2 2/0/0e  
Pharmaceutical Technology BMEVESTA704 7 2 2/0/0e BMEVESTA606
Project work BMEVESZA777 7 3 0/1/0p  
Unit processes in Industrial Drug Synthesis Laboratory Practice BMEVESTA705 7 4 0/0/5p  BMEVESTA606
Materials Science Specialization  
Theory of Testing Methods in Material Sciences BMEVEFAA708 5 4 3/0/0p BMEVESAA208
Polymer Physics BMEVEMGA511 5 3 2/0/0e BMEVEFAA306
Material Science Laboratory Practice BMEVEMGA603 6 3 0/0/4p BMEVEFAA708
Physical Chemistry of Surfaces BMEVEFKA603 6 3 2/0/0e BMEVEFAA409
Metals and metal matrix composites BMEVEFAA602 6 2 2/0/0e
Modern engineering ceramics BMEVEFAA601 6 2 2/0/0e
Testing Methods in Material Sciences BMEVEMGA502 7 3 0/0/4p
Nonconventional Materials BMEVEFAA707 7 3 2/0/1p BMEVEFAA405
Design Project BMEVEFAA777 7 3 0/1/0p
Polymer Technology Specialization
Experimental Methods in Materials Science BMEVEFAA708 5 4 3/0/0p BMEVESAA208
Polymer Physics BMEVEMGA511 5 3 2/0/0e BMEVEFAA306
Polymer Physics Laboratory Practice BMEVEMGA509 5 3 0/0/4p BMEVEFAA306
Polymer Additives BMEVEMGA610 6 2 2/0/0e BMEVEFAA306
Polymer Processing BMEVEMGA608 6 7 4/0/5e BMEVEMGA511
Machines and Tools for Polymer Processing BMEVEFAA705 7 4 2/0/1e BMEVEMGA608
Project work BMEVEFAA777 7 3 0/1/0p  
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