BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Selection of the specialization

Students of the 4th semester have choose specialization. Students who cannot follow the recommended curriculum, should only choose specialization if they have at least 70 credits. 

The name of the specialization does not appear in the diploma, but it defines what kind of subjects the students will learn in the frame of the Specialization subjects. With other words the specialization will determine the branch of the chemical industry, the examples, problems of which will be highlighted during the lectures, practices of the specialization subjects. The specialization will determine the subjects of the final exam, too.

The specializations available in the BSc Chemical Engineering program are the followings:

  • chemical and process engineering
  • materials science, plastics, textile
  • pharmaceutical

26 credits has to be collected from the specialization subjects as part of the 210 credits necessary in the formation.   

The students must apply to the specializations giving an order of importance of two specializations. The departments, who organize the education of the different specializations, can give requirements of the application. These can be the minimum and/or maximum number of students accepted to a specialization, or a minimum average of the subjects passed in the previous semesters. This average will determine the order of the applicants, and will determine who will be accepted on a given specialization. Students who will not be accepted in the specialization marked on the 1st place, can continue in the 2nd choice.

The application occurs via Neptun. There will be an application period announced.

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