BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Rules and regulations


George A. Oláh Doctoral School Rules of Operation (for students started studies before 1 Feb 2022) - includes the requirements of PhD title

NEW! George A. Oláh Doctoral School Rules of Operation (for students started studies after 1 Sept 2022) - includes the requirements of PhD title

George A. Oláh Doctoral School Training Plan (for students started studies before 1 Feb 2022) - includes the curriculum

NEW! George A. Oláh Doctoral School Training Plan (for students started studies after 1 Sept 2022) - includes the curriculum


Request for acceptance of a submitted publication for complex exam

Request for acceptance of a submitted publication for absolutorium


Complex exam information - spring semester 2022/23

List of main and side subjects

Doctoral and Habilitation Procedures

For fee-paying/self-financed doctoral students
Fee payment rules
Application for a reduced fee for fee-paying students
Educational work for doctoral students
Teaching Code
Application form for teaching activity



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