BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science

                The Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science was established in 2007 by the merger of the Department of Physical Chemistry founded in 1951 and the Department of Plastics and Rubber Technology created in 1953.

                The Department consists of five closely cooperating research groups at present. Besides molecular modeling, modern surface science, the study of photo-physical, -chemical and biological phenomena, the wide range of our research areas includes the development of new materials and composites, the preparation and characterization of nanostructures and intelligent biocompatible materials, up-to-date research on textile chemistry, but also the solution of practical, technological problems arising in related industries. Our groups carry out high level basic research confirmed by their intensive publication activity and the large number of Hungarian and international, mostly EU funded research grants won. Our activity and results in high level basic research were also acknowledged by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by the establishment of a "Lendület" research group in 2013. We collaborate with numerous industrial partners in research and development through various, usually long-term projects and cooperation agreements. As a result of these programs, several members of our groups have filed joint patents with companies that clearly demonstrate our result-oriented mentality and ability to solve practical problems.

                The amalgamation of experienced researchers with internationally acknowledged scientific career with younger colleagues of enthusiasm, driving force and open mind for new directions in research results in an efficient professional community. The up-to-date infrastructure and activities supported by industry and grants makes our Department a leading institution of higher education and scientific research.

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