Research Group of Cereal Science and Food Quality

Contact: 1111. Bp. Szent Gellért tér 4., CH épület 1. emelet 106. Tel.: 463-1419
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Biochemistry
Food additives
Food biotechnology
Food safety
Food packaging
Food industrial technology
Food chemistry
Food quality
Food contamination
Food storage
Food preservation
Egyéb: Gabona minőség, Élelmiszer analitika, Élelmiszer allergének, Malom- és tésztaipari technológiák

Our research group has developed its professional profile in accordance with the traditions of the current department and its predecessor. In the field of food analysis, we mainly focus on measuring macro- and micro-components, determining nutritional value, investigating food allergens, comprehensive characterization of proteins and carbohydrates. In the field of cereal science, we deal with studying the technological properties of cereals and pseudocereals, product development and quality testing. Our group investigates the role of macromolecules (proteins, starch, dietary fiber components) in nutritional value and technological behaviour. We are also involved in small scale (micro) instrument and method development. We develop our research infrastructure in accordance of the mentioned areas. Within the research group there are modern chromatographic, chemical composition, food allergen, rheological and technological laboratories. We are involved in many national and international basic and applied research collaborations. Our R&D&I activities are carried out in close cooperation with other universities, research institutes, industrial partners and professional organizations.

Sample publications:

-        S Tömösközi, R Lasztity, R Haraszi, O Baticz, Isolation and study of the functional properties of pea proteins, Food/Nahrung, 2001

-        R Haraszi, PW Gras, S Tömösközi, A Salgo, F Bekes, Application of a micro Z‐arm mixer to characterize mixing properties and water absorption of wheat flour, Cereal Chemistry, Volume81, Issue5, September/October, Pages 555-560, 2004

-        Zs Bugyi, K Török, L Hajas, Zs Adonyi, B Popping, S Tömösközi, Comparative study of commercially available gluten ELISA kits using an incurred reference material, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods: 5 (1)- Pages: 79 – 87

-        Blanka Bucsella, Ágnes Takács, Viktoria Vizer, Urs Schwendener, Sándor Tömösközi, Comparison of the effects of different heat treatment processes on rheological properties of cake and bread wheat flours, Food Chemistry, Volume 190, 1 January 2016, Pages 990-996

-        A Bagdi, B Tóth, R Lőrincz, Sz Szendi, A Gere, Z Kókai, L Sipos, S Tömösközi, Effect of aleurone-rich flour on composition, baking, textural, and sensory properties of bread, LWT - Food Science and Technology, Volume 65, January 2016, Pages 762-769

-        Tömösközi S., Békés F. Bread: Dough Mixing and Testing Operations. In: Caballero, B., Finglas, P., Toldrá, F. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health. OXFORD: ACADEMIC PRESS 1: pp. 490-499. (2016)

-        Lívia Hajas, Katharina A Scherf, Kitti Török, Zsuzsanna Bugyi, Eszter Schall, Roland E Poms, Peter Koehler, Sándor Tömösközi, Variation in protein composition among wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars to identify cultivars suitable as reference material for wheat gluten analysis, Food Chemistry, Volume 267, 30 November 2018, Pages 387-394

-        Bernadett Langó, Lajos Bóna, Perry KW Ng, Erika Ács, Kitti Török, Sándor Tömösközi, Evaluation of carbohydrate properties and end-use quality of hexaploid triticale and its relationship to solvent retention capacity, Journal of Cereal Science, Volume 84, November 2018, Pages 95-102

-        Kitti Török, Marietta Szentmiklóssy, Karolina Tremmel-Bede, Marianna Rakszegi, Sándor Tömösközi, Possibilities and barriers in fibre-targeted breeding: Characterisation of arabinoxylans in wheat varieties and their breeding lines, Journal of Cereal Science, Volume 86, March 2019, Pages 117-123

-        Renáta Németh, Denisse Bender, Edina Jaksics, Michelangelo Calicchio, Bernadett Langó, Stefano D'Amico, Kitti Török, Regine Schoenlechner, Sándor Tömösközi, Investigation of the effect of pentosan addition and enzyme treatment on the rheological properties of millet flour based model dough systems, Food Hydrocolloids, Volume 94, September 2019, Pages 381-390

Awards and achievements: Innovation Award of the Pro Progressio Fund, 2015
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Tömösközi Sándor