Technical Analytical Chemistry Research Group

Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Applied chemistry
Analytical chemistry
Material technology
Physical chemistry
Measurement technology
Instrumental Analysis
Instrumental Techniques

The head of our group is Prof. Dr. György Pokol. Other group members are Dr. Béla Koczka, Dr. József Kőmíves, Dr. János Madarász, Dr. Imre Miklós Szilágyi and Dr. Janisz Sztatisz.

The group can perform wide range of measurement on solid samples (morphology, composition, structure, bonds, thermal properties). We have broad experience in testing samples from academic research and industry, which already came from numerous different applications, e.g. nanotechnology, materials science, medicines, polymers, semiconductor industry, automotive production, etc.

We have rich infrastructure: XRD, in situ XRD, SEM-EDX, TG, TG/DTA, TG-FTIR, TG/DTA-MS, DSC, FTIR, UV-Vis (transmission, reflection mode, film thickness). We are able to solve practically any analytical problems with the instruments of our group, supplemented by the devices of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, BME (NMR, AAS, ICP-OES, GC, GC-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, IC, IEC, electroanalysis) and of our collaborating partners (Raman, XPS, AES, SIMS, AFM, TEM).

Sample publications:
Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Pokol György