Technology of Pharmaceutical, Environmental and Safety Materials Research Group

Contact: Tel: +36-1-463-3654,
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Material technology
Flame retardancy
Chemistry of surface layers
Pharmaceutical technology
Waste recycling technologies
Smart materials
Macromolecular chemistry
Plastics and rubber technology
Plastic Processing Technologies
Instrumental Analysis
Nanoporous systems
Polymer additives
Polymer chemistry
Polymer composites
Polymer technology
Technological processes
Recycling Technology
In particular, our research interest focuses on the technology of multicomponent polymeric systems, ranging from pharmaceuticals through biomaterials to flame retarded composites. Synthesis of new additives, modification of surface and interfacial layers, processing and analytical methods require common background behind these areas.
Our activity in the field of fire retarded polymers and composites scales from the formulation of new additives such as reactive and additive type flame retardants and synergists (using computer controlled laboratory reactor) through the development of fire testing methods to the laboratory scale polymer modification and manufacturing technologies (including compounding, extrusion, injection moulding, thermoforming) suitable for producing prototype, pilot and even commercial products (in cooperation with industrial partners). Our research group is experienced both with common thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer systems, but recently, the modification and functionalization of biopolymers (such as PLA, TPS, epoxy resins originating from renewable sources) and natural fibres, and the search for innovative solutions for upgrading recycling of plastic wastes is in the centre of our interest.
We regularly prepare various nano-objects (nanospheres, nanofibres and nanoporous particles) of high surface area with continuous methods, electrostatic spraying/spinning and supercritical extrusion. Such well-designed nano-objects can serve as multifunctional modifiers, active-agent carriers, reinforcing agents, coatings, etc. in a large variety of systems.
The analytical experiences of the group include fire tests (LOI, cone calorimeter), thermal analyses (TGA, DSC), static and dynamic mechanical analyses (tensile, bending, impact tests, DMA), rheological evaluation, chemical and morphological characterisation (FTIR, Raman, NMR, XPS, HPLC, GC-MS, AFM-μTA, SEM, EDS). Nevertheless, we are pioneers in central Europe in the field of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) using Raman-control and chemometry. This new, real time techniques and evaluation methods support the reproducible production of nanostructured (bio)materials and accelerated evaluation of their stability according to the principles recommended by FDA. PAT equipment developed recently in our laboratory enables us to perform the procedures under continuous control of the products’ quality. The advantage of Raman sensing lies in the in-line quality analysis without being in contact with the material.
Sample publications:
Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Marosi György