Research Group of Pharmacokinetics

Contact: 1111 Budapest Szent Gellért tér 4. Ch. épület fszt. 14. 16
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Analytical chemistry
Electroanalytical methods
Food quality
Food contamination
Protein purification technology
Chemistry of surface layers
Development of drugs
Smart materials
Chemical and biosensors
Instrumental Analysis
Biochemistry of plants
Polymer composites
Egyéb: Analytical method development for HPLC/MS/MS; Molecularly imprinted polymers

Research topics of the Group of Pharmacokinetics:


Analytical method development for the measurement of biologically active compounds (pharmaceuticals, metabolites, proteins) in biological or food samples with HPLC/MS/MS


Study of protein-small molecule interactions


Pharmacokinetic studies (method development, validation, measurement)


Support of brain research with analytical method development and measurement


Support of environmental research with analytical method development and measurement


Support of biotechnology with analytical method development and measurement


Selectivity study of molecularly imprinted polymers


Design of protein-selective molecularly imprinted polymers and their application in chemical sensing
Sample publications:
Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Tóth Blanka