HPLC group

Contact: 1111 Budapest Szent Gellért tér 4. Ch. ép. alagsor 46.(nyugat), Tel: +36-1-463-1596, E-mail: fekete@mail.bme.hu
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Analytical chemistry
Instrumental Analysis
Egyéb: Chromatography
Introduction: The team supports the development of new separation techniques to the practical application of the full spectrum of modern chromatography. The latest method of liquid chromatography analysis of drugs is carried out biological medium (serum), facilitating the application of rapid separation UHPLC. We work out the methods for separating of protein molecules, using the most advanced computer-aided design of experiments options (DryLab, ACD Labs software). The environmental media (air, water, soil)  the environment pollution of to analyze  the most commonly  used methods, gas chromatography (HS-GC, ATD-GC, GC-MS) outside is widely used in liquid chromatographic separation methods.

Fields of research:
  • Modern HPLC, GC separation methods development 
  • Biochemical studies support the analytical method development 
  • Separation of complex molecules using HPLC-MS-MS system, for the structure-detection 
  • Separation of protein molecules using UHPLC for structure-detection  
  • Pharmaceutical development of analytical methods for UHPLC 
  • Molecular  analysis of medicament biological medium (serum) 
  • Environmental analysis using HS GC, ATD GC MS

Sample publications:
Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Horváth Viola