NIR Spectroscopy Research Group

Contact: 1111 Budapest, Gellért tér 4. CH. ép. I. emelet 104., Tel: +36-1-463-3854, E-mail:
Website: link
Focal points and main thrusts of research: Food biotechnology
Food industrial technology
Food chemistry
Pharmaceutical technology
Development of drugs
Instrumental Analysis
Introduction: Near and mid infrared spectroscopy and microscopic imaging are emphasized part of our analytical research activities and are applied almost all projects in our basic and applied (industrial) research.

The following links give examples and an overview of the results of our NIR group. Our research projects are supported by international projects (EU framework programmes – e.g. EU FP 5 STAFANIR, EU FP6 HEALTHGRAIN, DiOGenes, MoniQA, EUF P7 CHANCE –; bilateral S&T agreements), national founds (e.g. Hungarian Scientific Research Fund) and by agricultural, food, pharmaceutical and other related industries.

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Szilveszter Gergely, András Salgó:
Development of NIR calibrations for cereal arabinoxylan (dietary fiber)
„Joint HEALTHGRAIN and BioExploit dissemination workshop on wheat improvement” - EUCARPIA Cereal Section Meeting on “Innovation in Cereal Breeding” (Churchill College, Cambridge, 2010. április 6.)


Gergely Szilveszter, Párta László, Salgó András:
NIR spektroszkópia / mikroszkópia: roncsolásmentes kutakodás
„A gyógyszerkutatás műszeres módszerei” – A Kémiai Tudományok Osztálya tudományos ülése (MTA, Budapest, 2012. május 9.)
Magyar Kémiai Folyóirat 119(1), 40-45 (2013)

András Salgó, Szilveszter Gergely:
BME = bioprocesses, measurement, evaluation
NIR news 23(2) 6-8 (2012) doi: 10.1255/nirn.1291

Sample publications:
Awards and achievements:
Guest professors:
Group leader: Dr. Salgó András