BME Vegyészmérnöki és Biomérnöki Kar

Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology

Welcome to the Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) site of Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology of Budapest University of Technology and Economics!

Our faculty places a particular emphasis on R&D&I activities in accordance with the social mission of our university. Research priorities are related to the fields of inorganic and organic chemistry, pharmaceutical innovation, process engineering, biotechnology, health and environment protection, food related topics, nanotechnology, material sciences, development of polymer composites. The scientific activities are connected to the national Research University program ( The high-level research work and productive collaboration of the university with national and international research groups result in high number of international publications, patents and industrial applications. Our research strategy includes the exploitation of scientific and technical results to achieve economic and social advances. As a part of this approach, we are now working on the enhancement of our technology transfer activities, encourage our researchers to consider their research outputs as intellectual products and raising awareness in this field.

A remarkable number of BSc, MSc and PhD students are strongly involved in our research work. Our undergraduate students present their award-winning results at Students' Scientific Conferences and our PhD students complete their thesis with high scientific impact in the Graduate School of George Oláh. These results play an essential role in the continuous extension of the scientific role of our faculty.

The R&D&I Info Point of the faculty has been established recently to support the key areas of the research management. Its activity focuses on support of proposal submissions for national and international funds, project implementation and coordination of intellectual asset management. The faculty and the R&D&I Info Point intend to promote close interactions with academic and industrial partners both in the research and in the education.

The aim of our site is to make visible all of our intellectual and infrastructural resources and highlights of the R&D&I activity to strengthen our public presence for everyone who is interested in our work. We hope you will find all the information of our R&D&I activities you are searching for. Interest, questions, comments and suggestions are welcome at Enjoy browsing our website!

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